1. Should I attend? We ask that you not attend if you have fever, cough, or illness of any kind. We will have someone who can take your temperature in the foyer.  If you have any condition that makes you susceptible, we recommend you worship online.
  2. Do I need a mask? Masks are recommended, particularly as you enter and make your way to your seat and move from there out. However, masks are not required. We will not have any masks available to give away.
  3. Why do I need to reserve a seat? We are doing reservations so that those who arrive will have a seat. Our capacity is much less since we are maintaining 6 ft. distance between households. That is the equivalent of 3 empty seats in the Worship Center.
  4. Why can’t I just send an email to get a seat? We are asking everyone to call the church office (639-9952) and ask Dana for a reservation. By only having one way to reserve a seat, we guard against over-promising seats.
  5. Why do I need to arrive early? Because people must be seated in a way that separates them from other families, it may take more time for an usher to help each family find a seat. We also don’t want everyone attempting to enter five minutes prior. Early arrivals keep people at better social distance. Please be early so you can be seated before we begin.
  6. What about my kids or teens? We are not able to offer special programs for age-level ministries at this point. They will need to stay and sit with you. Hopefully, we will be able to start those ministries back soon.
  7. I don’t believe in social distancing, can I sit with my friends? As we gather together, it is important to respect people along the entire continuum of concern for Coronavirus. We ask that you follow the guidelines and spend time with your friends outside of the church building.
  8. What about the restrooms or water fountains? We ask that you plan ahead and only use the restrooms for emergencies. The water fountains are turned off so if you are thirsty, bring a water bottle and if you like coffee, bring your own with a lid.
  9. I want to talk with my friends, can I do that after the service? Yes, after you exit the building, meet with your friends and visit in the parking lot.
  10. We know you know how far 6ft is by now so we have not marked squares or dots for you to stand on as you enter or exit. Please help by assuming others want others 6 ft. away. If you notice people moving away from you, you may be in their space.