First time at WEMO?
Whether you are a family of one or more, there is a place for you at West Mobile to believe, belong, & become! We will do our best to ensure that you have a pleasant experience here with us.
If you have any questions while you’re with us, just ask! We’ll be happy to help! If you want to get an in-depth view of our church, come to a Newcomers Lunch that we have once every two months. You can register your interest in attending by calling our church office at 639-9952 during office hours or by emailing Donna Wright. We would love to have you join us for that or for a service anytime.
How Do I Get To The Church?
West Mobile Baptist Church is located 7501 Airport Blvd., Mobile, AL 36608 (between the intersections of Cody and Schillinger Roads). It is across from Academy Sports. The Hangar is our Student Building.
(251) 639-9952 |
(251) 633-9825 |
What Is The Sunday Schedule?
Sunday Schedule
What Is The Wednesday Night Schedule?
Student Worship is in the Hangar (gray building at McKenna & Airport) at 6:30. This is for students in grades 7-12 only. Students can come early and eat for $5 or bring their own fast food and eat with other students before the service begins.
Adult Bible Study taught by Pastor Kevin Cobb is in the Worship Center in the main building at 6:30.
AWANA for children ages 3 through 6th grade meets upstairs at 6:30. Younger preschoolers are cared for downstairs. Both are in our main building. Newcomers are welcome on Wednesday nights.
When Should I Arrive?
Plan to arrive 10 minutes prior to the service or Bible study to allow time to park and find where you need to go. If you have preschoolers (birth-kindergarten), you’ll need time to register and receive a security number. Children (grades 1-6) can go to the worship room upstairs on the east hallway. Just look for the large overhead sign directing you on that upstairs “kid” hallway with the brightly painted walls. The Worship services last just over 1 hour.
Where Should I Park?
There is marked parking for guests at the curb adjacent to the covered drive through or you are welcome to park anywhere there is space.
- If you have preschoolers (birth-kindergarten), you can check them in at the main entry info desk in the foyer or at the entrance to their room.
- Children (grades 1-6) go to Bible Study upstairs at 9:45–all children gather in the worship room where their teachers will meet them and take them to their rooms; teachers will return them to the Kid’s Worship room at 10:45. At 11:00 they will be in place for Kid’s worship (1st-6th graders). Parents can pick them up at any time. You can find the worship room by looking for the large overhead sign on the brightly-painted kids hallway upstairs.
- If you have a student in grades 7-12, they meet in The Hangar at 9:45 a.m. (Sundays) for Bible Study (The Hangar is the gray building on Airport and McKenna Court). There are greeters at the door to help them find their way. If you come at 11:00, everyone goes to the Worship Center.
- Marked handicapped and guest parking is at our main entrance (west side of the building). We do have an elevator for access to some classrooms and the church office. Our worship, preschool, and some adult classes meet on the main floor. We will valet park your car if you have difficulty walking. Just pull under the overhang and wave to one of the greeters and ask them.
Where Do I Go?
When you first arrive at the church, come to the Info Desk in our foyer. This area is just inside our main entrance at the brick covered drive-through on the side of our building. Other entrances are marked.
- If you need additional assistance, our parking lot attendants and greeters will be available.
- Restrooms are just off the foyer and are at both ends of each hallway upstairs and downstairs.
- Ask at the preschool desk or info desk for nursing & diaper changing areas. They are located in any of our preschool rooms but the easiest one to access is E112.
- If you have students, just drop them off at the door of The Hangar. The Hangar is the grey building at McKenna and Airport. Greeters are ready to help them find their spot. They walk down to the building as a group following group time.
How Do I Dress?
While some attendees do wear their “Sunday best,” others wear more casual clothes on Sunday morning. Dress comfortably and come on!
What Do I Bring?
If you have a Bible, bring it with you. You can use any version of Scripture you wish. Our pastor uses the Christian Standard Bible (CSB). We have Bibles available if you need one at the info desk. If you have preschoolers, bring a diaper bag. Mark any cups or other items with your child’s name. Our church members provide for the ongoing ministry of the church, so you are not expected to give financially. All children’s activities and childcare is provided free of charge.
Pick up a copy of the Sermon Notes as you come in.
What Kind of Music Will I Hear?
From our inception we have been committed to excellence in praise and celebrative worship. The music includes a mix of contemporary worship music with hymns & choruses accompanied by piano, guitars, keyboard & drums. Our worship team sings to lead us and the words are projected on three screens.
How Can I Connect?
Come by the Info Desk when you enter so we can meet and direct you to the proper place. You can pick up a sheet of sermon notes or someone can walk you to a Grow Group. We have QR codes on connect cards in the seat back pockets for you to complete a connect card digitally or you can complete the paper copy. Your completed card can be turned in at the Info Desk or placed in the wooden boxes at the worship center exits (the same box where offerings are placed). As our guest, please do not feel obligated to participate in the offering. Our members support the ministry of the church and you are considered our guest. The Info Desk in the foyer is the place for you to ask any questions. We would love to meet you.
What About Grow Groups?
Our grow groups are the heart of our church. You cannot fully experience our church without being plugged into one of our Bible Study grow groups. They are called grow groups because it should help you grow in your relationship with God, enrich your relationships with others, and more closely connect you into the life of our church.
Ask a greeter to help you find a Sunday morning group at the info desk. Bible study groups are offered for preschool, children, students, and adults at 9:45 a.m. every Sunday. We have both men’s and women’s groups and couples groups from newly married to senior adults. Single adults are welcome to attend in any of the adult groups beyond college. You can also be a part of a group that meets at another time during the week. Check with a greeter for a grow group listing, Click here for an online listing of the Grow Groups at West Mobile…
Is WeMo Handicapped Accessible?
Handicapped parking is available in the marked spaces nearest to our main entrance. If the spaces are full, simply pull up to the front entrance and we will assist you with valet parking. We have an elevator to assist in reaching upper floors of our building. Our worship area, preschool, and many adult classes are on the main floor.
Nursery through Kindergarten
We offer excellent care for bed babies through kindergarten for all churchwide events. Check with the info desk or a director in the hallway to ensure your child is being placed in the correct room. Kindergarteners are welcome to go upstairs with the big kids for children’s worship at 11:00 or can stay in preschool care downstairs if they choose. Parents, you must take them upstairs and pick them up from there. Nursing moms are welcome to use our nursing room to feed your baby. If you need another location, please ask a teacher in the nursery for assistance. Children are always welcome in the worship service. Infants or lap babies are welcome to go with you to grow group too. If you or your child decides to go to the children’s room part-way through, they are welcome at any time. Changing areas for infants are located in Room E-112 on the preschool hallway.
Grades 1-6
Children are involved in Bible study in rooms by grade level on the 2nd floor at 9:45 a.m.
Children 1st-6th grade can go to the Kid’s Worship on the same hallway for a fantastic worship service with excellent Bible teaching during the 11:00 service. Look for the overhead banner on the Kid’s hallway upstairs to find the correct door. Children will not be released without pre-approval, you will need to pick them up upstairs promptly after services. There is no Kid’s Worship at 8:30 and children are welcome in the service either hour.
Students (Grades 7-12)
Sunday mornings, Students in grades 7-12 participate in Bible study at 9:45 a.m. in The Hangar (the grey building at McKenna & Airport) and attend in Worship either at 8:30 or 11:00.
On Wednesday nights, students gather in the Hangar from 6:00 until 8:00. The service begins at 6:30 and ends before 8:00. You are welcome to bring your own fast food and eat it in the Hangar before the service begins or bring $5 for students and $8 for adults to eat a meal prepared by our student parents.
College Students
College Groups meet on Sunday mornings at 9:45 in the Thrive Room upstairs in our main building on the adult hallway. College students join in worship at 8:30 or 11:00 a.m. Most college students sit on the right side section of the worship center (as facing front). If you identify yourself as a college student at the info desk, we will introduce you to some other students to sit with during the service. Monday nights, the college group meets at the hangar at 6:00 pm. A meal is provided and you are welcome to bring your friends. These are called Thrive Nights and include Bible study.
What About Security?
We take child security seriously. Each preschooler must be registered before entering a Bible study class.
- You and your preschooler will be assigned a security number tag.
- The number will be used to alert you in the service in case you are needed.
- The tag must be shown to pick up your child.
- We will also ask you to complete an info card on your child.
Additional security is also in place to ensure safety for everyone in our building and parking lot. If you have concerns, please inform someone at the info desk or one of the men wearing a name tag in the foyer. We want you and your children to feel safe and secure in our building. All workers in classrooms with minors have completed a background screening. A security team is on duty during every service. If you enter a children’s classroom, we ask you to keep your visit short and refrain from supervising or directing children. If you are alarmed by any situation, please inform someone at the info desk so they can alert a church guardian. Please keep valuables out of sight and lock your vehicle. Our back doors are locked for security of the preschool area, so please enter at the main entrance unless the door is manned.
During the week, all our outside doors are locked for security. The Child Development Center entry at the back will buzz in parents. At the main entry, you can use the ring doorbell or call the church office to be let inside.

Education Minister

Do You Have Questions?
Give us a shout & we’ll be happy to answer any concerns or questions.
(251) 639-9952 |